Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wind River Range 2010

Well I just got back from the Winds.  When I get those pics, I will post soon, until then here are some great pics from last year.  Enjoy, we did.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Blue. (If the Water ever comes down)

Here is a trip to the Blue a year or so ago.  Story by Ed Kammerer.  Chef / Owner Highland Pacific.
Story on this Fish is it took a Yellow and black Girdle Bug on the Blue.
It took 20 min to land and broke a Scott 6wt rod at the tip while netting it!
We lost the fish trying to measure him on the top of the cooler in the pictiure. We had it at about 27 to 28 " long and weighed about 12 pounds!
This fish had an atitude and were lucky we even got thid picture of it.

Thanks ED.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Earning my casts!

A couple of weeks ago I finally made my first trip to a high mountain lake.  This was the definition of earning your casts.  We had to use ice axes and crampons to get out!  I will let the pictures speak for themselves.